
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Celebrating the Week

Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week.

1. My son was home from college for spring break!!! I love having him back in the house. We had some nice conversations and we also watched a Bollywood movie that was pretty awesome - 3 Idiots. The trailer doesn't have subtitles, but fortunately, the movie did. It did have a few dance numbers, but had a lot more going on than romance though that was certainly there too.

2. I ran outside for the first time this year when it was in the 40s. It was a little soggy from the melting snow, but running free in a straight line breathing fresh air was a treat after all of the miles I have done on the treadmill this winter. We have highs in the mid 20's today and tomorrow, but next week is supposed to be warm again. By the way, as someone who has lived in both Southern California and South Texas, I kind of have to roll my eyes when I describe 40 as warm. 

3. The sun is shining brilliantly outside and I can see more grass in the yard.

4. Tonight there is a Zumbathon. Three hours of wild Zumba fun. So excited.

5. There were lots of amazing discussions and comments generated by the two opinion pieces in the New York Times written by Walter Dean Myers and Christopher Myers. Watch for the Twitter tag #colormyshelf that has been used to help shout out great titles. It is exciting to see people become vocal about the state of diverse children's literature. Hopefully, conversations like these will inspire real change.


  1. Zumba! I have a friend who is a huge Zumba fan, she is always filled with energy and laughter. Three hours of Zumba - a party!

  2. I also loved those NYT pieces and have seen some of the #colormyshelf tweets. Such important discussion. Enjoy your time with your son!

    1. Thanks Carrie. It was great having him home. And yes, the discussion has been good so far. I hope it continues.

  3. Those NYT pieces made me look at my book fair in an entirely different light. There wasn't much offered from diverse authors at all. If you're interested, I'm participating in a Latino challenge, Crystal. Check my blog & look on the right to get the link. Even if you don't participate, it's given me lots of titles to find! Glad you got to be out running! Snow here today, but maybe it's the end!

    1. Yes, our book fairs aren't always what they could be. I'm doing the Latino challenge too and am loving it.

  4. Time with your son - priceless! Running and walking outside and not freezing feels so good, doesn't it?! I missed the NYT pieces - yikes. I need to catch up! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Yes, it was a good week. I hope you get to see the NYT pieces. They are powerful.

  5. I ran outside yesterday for the first time since Thanksgiving! Cold, but it was nice to not have snow to run through. Hopefully we'll have more weeks of outside in the near future :) Have a great week!

    1. Isn't it great to have the snow receding? I love it.
