
Saturday, March 15, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week.

1. I got to visit The Reader's Choice bookstore which is the only African American owned Indie bookstore in the state of Wisconsin. I also got to buy a nice pile of books there. The owner chatted with the group of us that were there and showed us around. It was an excellent trip. I love talking about books anytime and anywhere.

2. The bookstore trip was part of a day immersing ourselves in cultural experiences. We also spent time at an elementary school in Milwaukee that is doing some amazing things and we danced our way out of an assembly to Lady Gaga. Another part of our trip was a visit to the Wisconsin Black Historical Society and Museum and a coffee shop called Coffee Makes You Black. As a white person in the midwest, I don't experience that feeling of being the "outsider" so very often. I think that's a good reminder for me because I have students who may feel that on a daily basis. Also, I learned a lot of black history along the way. As always, when involved with culturally responsive teaching sessions through the RtI center, I feel that I have things to take back and use in my classroom immediately.

3. I didn't enjoy the time change so much, but I do like that the sun has been shining later in the day.

4. The snow is melting! We can now drive down our street without bumping and sliding around.

5. My son is coming home for spring break in just a few days. Life is good.


  1. Great celebrations! What an interesting goal to immerse yourself in cultural experiences. I remember visiting Harlem with my daughter, Libby, on a trip to NYC, and it was definitely a time we felt like outsiders. We loved it, though!

    1. It was fantastic to have such rich experiences this week. :)

  2. Wow. What an amazing bookstore. Thanks for sharing this pile of books for us to peek at. Wishing you a lot more sunshine to melt that snow.

    1. Thanks Carrie. I love seeing more and more grass revealed every day.

  3. A pile of books, cultural experiences, spring on its way - life is good indeed. Enjoy the spring with your son at home.

    1. Thanks Terje. I thought of you this morning when I made cookies. I had left the butter out on the counter to soften. Your writing certainly stayed with me.
