
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Slice of Life: Just Dance!

The Slice of Life Challenge was created by the people over at the blog Two Writing Teachers. The challenge is to write about some part of your day and share it each Tuesday.

This is what -17 degrees with a windchill of -30ish looks like. Yeah, the sun is shining. It is a cruel trick. The day appears beautiful, but feels nightmarish. My son just retweeted someone's #wisconsinpickuplines, "I would go outside for you." With temps like this, a run was not in my plans, so I pulled out Just Dance! for our Wii. Since school was canceled, I remained in my flannel pajamas beyond the lunch hour. Must stay comfy.

My dog follows me around the house, so he hung out with me down in the living room as I danced my way through many fun songs. Then I chose Sway. Picture me in tennis shoes and slouchy flannel pajamas. Not quite the image of the lady on the screen in her fancy flapper dress. The irony was not lost on me, but it appears that my dog may have been amused. He stood and stared at me straight on while I danced through the "sultry" poses. When I finished he was still staring without a blink. Our animals certainly see us in all of our glory. He cracked me up. 


  1. Adorable dog!

    I cannot believe how cold it is outside. I left my daughter's stroller somewhere since I was in such a hurry to get the two of us into the car. (Fortunately it was located and will be waiting for us to pick up tomorrow.)

    Stay warm.

    1. Glad it wasn't lost forever! Yes, it has been ferociously cold.

  2. Don't you love that unconditional love you get from your dog - very sweet looking canine friend.

  3. Fun day to stay in a warm place. Hopefully the weather is warming up soon.

    1. It was so much warmer later this week. I am happy to see the twenties above instead of below.

  4. Soon this frigid nightmare will end. At least you are dancing your way through with a cute friend, even if it is puzzled at your behavior. Cute dog!

    1. I am happy to report that we are much warmer now!

  5. Sounds like it was a fun time to me, Crystal! Good for you for staying in, but still moving!

  6. I love that Wisconsin pick up line! What a memorable day you had, slouchy pajamas, judgmental pets and all!
