
Saturday, January 4, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. This first week of 2014 has been filled with family and fun.

One: I had a wonderful time with my mother-in-law who came to visit right after Christmas. One afternoon we took a beautiful walk by the frozen Mississippi and then drove to the top of the bluff to watch the sunset.

Two: My son was home from college and we got to have fun together with one of the games he got for Christmas and playing my grandma's favorite card game - Hand and Foot.

Three: I finished setting my goals for the year which included reading, professional, and health goals.

Four: My daughter, my mother-in-law and I, started off our New Year's Eve celebration at a Zumba class that ended with a chilled and wonderfully fizzy drink.

Five: I heard, "I love coming to the library!" multiple times from students after the winter break. They were happy to be back.


  1. Hi Crystal! Happy New Year! You're one of the few that have actually been back to work. So many have had more break because of the weather. Sounds like you had a nice time being back. Your pictures are beautiful, especially that sunset-wow! So glad you had a nice Christmas with family!

  2. It sounds like you had a great week of family celebrations. The pictures are beautiful That last one could easily be a jigsaw puzzle. Have a great week!

  3. You captured the stillness, beauty, and COLD in those pictures! My husband's family taught me how to play HAND and FOOT. I love it and now my family plays a lot, too. Congrats are meeting goals and actually making it back to school. All the schools around here that were scheduled to go back Thurs. had snow days. Even Monday looks snowy!

    1. We don't have a bunch of snow, but will be home from school because of the cold. The high will be -17. Brrr.

  4. Beautiful photos! I have never even heard of the game Hand and Foot! Might have to check it out! Happy New Year!

  5. Your photographs are absolutely beautiful. My in-laws play Hand and Foot too. It's so nice to have this time to slow down and enjoy family! It sounds like your holiday break was wonderful. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks and yes, it is wonderful to have time to be with family.
