
Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week

This was a wonderful week of reading. I finished a few more Nerdy nominees before voting. What the Heart Knows was fantastic. Sidman has created beautiful poems that do speak to the heart. They can even inspire a bit of poetry writing. I think I'll be reading this one many times in the future.

Knock Knock was not a nominee, but I wonder if it would have made the list had it been published earlier in the year. It may not have been read by very many people yet. It's a powerful book based on the poem Daniel Beaty performs below:

The Coming Week:
I am listening to Little Women which is a re-re-re-read or something like that. I have lost count over the years. I started re-reading The Hobbit since we had a Tolkien marathon on Sunday. We watched both Hobbits and the Lord of the Rings trilogy complete with hobbit food. I have a large stack of books for winter break, but don't know which ones I will get to. I started The Living and am loving it. What will you be reading? Have a fantastic week.


  1. I teach second grade, so how have I missed Friends by Eric Carle? I should not be amazed by how little I truly know. I need to check out Joyce Sidman and Knock, Knock as well. As for the Tolkien marathon, my oldest daughter will love this idea. Have seen both Hobbit movies and thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Friends is relatively new. There is a great video about it online. The marathon took a long time (with an hour travel time to and from theater & the extended editions of the movies), but it was cool to see them that way.

  2. Hi Crystal, It is so nice to revisit old favorites. I have heard great things about What the Heart Knows. I will be ordering it from my library today. Thanks for sharing your books. Happy Holidays!

  3. Have had my eye on What the Heart Knows, good to hear your endorsement, thanks! Hope you have a great reading week!

    1. I love the chant "Come, Happiness" and so many of the others too. I hope you get to enjoy it soon.

  4. Such a wonderful week of reading! Out of the Easy and Reality Boy both sit on my favourite YA novels of 2013 list. I plan on reading Rose Under Fire soon - purchased it just a few weeks ago. Wishing you more wonderful holiday reading!

    1. I can see why Out if the Easy & Reality Boy are favorites. They are both gripping. Have fun reading!

  5. The past few weeks in the blogsphere seem to have been all Rainbow Rowell all the time (which is great). This week seems to be all about Reality Boy (which is also great!). Have a great week! ~Megan

    1. Yes, it seems many were reading Reality Boy lately. It had been on my TBR for awhile.

  6. I agree with you about KNOCK KNOCK. I think the timing of when it was published is unfortunate. I think it would be getting a lot more buzz if it had been published in say, October.

  7. I hope to find What the Heart Knows. I just have a feeling that I'd love it. It's my kind of book. :) Plus, it's perfect for our theme! :)
