
Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Teach Mentor Texts hosts a meme every Monday that invites people to share the children's and young adult books they have been reading over the past week and what they plan on reading the following week.

You may find more complete information about what I am reading at Goodreads or by clicking on the Goodreads widget along the side of my blog.

The Past Week:

Picture Books

My favorites from this week were Niño Wrestles the World and Ganesha's Sweet Tooth. Both had incredible illustrations and imaginative stories. Betsy Bird has a fantastic review of Niño here

Middle Grade

I will review this later, but The Real Boy was a fun and unique fantasy.

I don't know that I have a favorite of these, but I enjoyed them all. Funny that I only picked yellow young adult books this week. Once was a historical fiction book about the Holocaust and I read it with my ears. I loved the main character Felix. He was frustrating at times because of his ignorance of everything going on, but he definitely grew on me. A Really Awesome Mess will be coming out later this month and I will review it soon. It was a book that bounces back and forth between two characters and two authors worked together on it. There seem to be more and more of these collaborations. Finally, The Counterfeit Family Tree of Vee Crawford-Wong will also be coming out soon. I am still puzzling over what I think about that one. I will be reviewing it over at Rich in Color.


This was perfect for my vacation flight. I really liked the fantasy aspect of it and Gaiman gave me a lot to think about. I know I will be re-reading this one.

The Coming Week:
I am reading Since You Asked by Maureen Goo right now and will be finishing it this week. It is funny and a bit snarky. Holly Kim has attitude. I have quite a few ARCs to read, but I am not sure what I will pick up next to be honest. I have been out of town and have a pile of library books that are likely due soon so I will probably grab the ones that are on hold for other people first. What are you reading? Have a great time with your books!


  1. It seems like certain titles get way more buzz than others. I wonder why...either way, The Real Boy is all over the place! Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Yes, I don't know how so many people got to read The Real Boy early, but I saw a ton of people talking about it, so when I saw it as an e-galley I snapped it up.

  2. I just requested this Gaiman title at the library. Love your coordinated reading - all in yellow :-) I so loved Breadcrumbs and am so pleased that so many people are loving The Real Boy. Happy Reading this week!

    1. Thanks Carrie! I hope you enjoy the Gaiman book. I think it was quite different than his other books.

  3. Looking forward to your book reviews. I am also reading The Real Boy and am enjoying it so far. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. The Real Boy is a fun one and I liked the second half even better than the first.

  4. We read Puffin Peter this week too. A favorite with my 4yo :) The Real Boy is on my TBR, I so enjoy Ursu's writing.

    Have a wonderful week!


  5. I'm looking forward to The Real Boy -- a lot of love for that title! And the Gaiman title does sound great and thought provoking! I heard him interview recently by NPR's Scott Simon on this title.


    1. Amanda Palmer's blog post about it totally convinced me I needed to grab up the Gaiman book as soon as possible.

  6. I so want to read the Neil Gaiman- I love everything that he writes.
    I also hope to read The Real Boy real soon :)
    Though Once is the first in the series, I've only read Then and it is so good- I'm sure Once is as well.
    The picture books look so cute! Thank you for sharing :)

    Happy reading this week! :)

    1. I didn't realize Once was part of a series! Thanks for letting me know. I can look for more. :)
