
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Armchair BEA Introduction

Design by Emily of Emily's Reading Room

I am excited to be a part of Armchair BEA for the first time. Here is some info that will help introduce me and my blog.
  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? My name is Crystal and I believe that I have been blogging since August 2011. I started the blog after participating in a class that was about creativity and I was looking for a way to express myself around what I loved - books. I had also run across a few challenges that were a bit easier to do if I had a blog: 10 for 10 and the Write Fifteen Minutes a Day Challenge.
  2. Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s). Because I am an elementary school teacher librarian, my favorite blog is Watch.Connect.Read by Mr. John Schu. He posts fantastic book trailers and stays current with #kidlit news. Another blog that I enjoy is Rich in Color where I am a co-blogger. It has been very cool to work together with other bloggers  and I love the excuse to read diverse YA.
  3. What are you currently reading? I am currently reading Drowned Cities and Summer of the Mariposas.
  4. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you. In addition to reading, I run. My favorite race at this point is a half marathon. I have completed two  marathons, but definitely like halfs better. I also love to interact with other teachers and librarians with the hashtag #runteacherrun. Unfortunately I am injured right now, but am looking forward to getting back to running soon.
  5. What literary location would you most like to visit? Here is a post with that answer. The post includes the top ten real and fantasy (most literary) places where I would like to read.


  1. That was an awesome list of places to read! My personal favorite would be by the fire with the March sisters. :D If you ever get to do a costume run, you should dress as a book fairy with an open book as your wings. Thanks for joining in the Armchair fun! Tattooed Books

  2. Thanks for stopping by the blog. I am happy to have "met" you and loved visiting your blog! Thanks for the costume idea. :)

  3. Congrats on finishing TWO half marathons! I would need to be sure to have lots of books to read as I would be out cold! I look forward to visiting your blog in the future and hope to see you around 'BEA'!

  4. I have an aunt who is a school librarian and keeps saying I should do it, but I have no real interest. I think it's a cool job, but not for me. Congrats on the marathons! I wish I could be a runner.

    Have a great week participating in Armchair BEA. :)
