
Saturday, May 14, 2016


Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This picture makes me smile.
I'm in an strange mood today. I've had alternating moments of peace and grumpiness for no apparent reason. I'm here celebrating anyway. Here are some of the things I can celebrate:

-my son is home for a few days
-senior year (high school) for our youngest is almost complete
-things are winding down at school & my list of things to do is getting shorter
-it's cold outside, but I'm snug inside
-I have hot tea
-senior announcements have all been mailed
-my husband is doing the grocery shopping today

I still have the urge to growl about a few things, but fortunately this is a celebration post so you all don't have to listen my grumbles. I'll continue to focus on the positives and wish you a wonderful weekend.

some more cheerful sunshine flowers


  1. I'm so glad you are admitting to the grumpiness. And no wonder, sounds like a lot is happening in your world. Ah, the roller coaster ride of the end of the year. I am so ready to get off!

    Would you consider joining DigiLit Sunday roundup? Tomorrow we are blogging around the word refresh. Link up will go up mid-morning. I'll tweet it.

    1. If I have time, I may do it. Thanks for the invite.

  2. Love your cheerful sunshine flowers, especially one with the bees. And the fact that you can acknowledge the urge to growl...some days are just grumpy days. That's when I remind myself, "This too will pass."

  3. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers because they seem to reach towards the sky to live up to their name. Go sunflowers!

  4. Crystal, thank you for sharing the photos. I've been feeling the same as you so they made me smile too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! ~Amy

  5. Crystal,
    There is so much going on at this time of the year, grumbles show we are human...your flowers cheer me and I appreciate your celebration list!

  6. So great to hear about all the good things going on in your life, Crystal. It's a tough time for those at the end of school, I know, so a little grumpiness means you're tired. Plus having a senior graduating is extra, terrific but more busy! Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. Isn't it funny when you just feel like growling? I think owning up to the feeling helps to relieve it and often for me help me to philosophically have a good laugh at myself which is what I think you are doing today.

  8. I'm glad you chose to claim some celebrations. There is power in joy! Thanks for always writing (whether you feel like it or not!)
