
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Diverse Lit Recommendations

Back in June I wrote a post about reading, purchasing and promoting diverse children's and young adult literature. If you missed it, please check it out here.  What I didn't do at the time was include some of my favorite diverse lit titles for readers to explore. Here are titles for a wide variety of ages and interests.

Board Books

I am noticing many, many excellent titles for the very young that are written by American Indian authors. Because these books are not always easy to find, I'm including some places that you might find them. The first set of books shown are available through Head StartBirchbark Books and Oyate also have several of these titles. The Northwest titles may also be found at Native Northwest

Picture Books

Beginner to Middle Grade






Young Adult


Whew! I went a little crazy there in my Goodreads lists, but there were so many good titles. I hope you are able to track down at least some of them to read and enjoy. All of these titles may be found in my Goodreads account where I have reviewed or at least rated all of them if you would like more information about them.